The policy statement "Towards a Common Understanding and Vision of the WCC" (CUV) was presented to the 8th Assembly of the WCC in 1998 as a significant milestone in an ongoing journey of self-reflection on the nature and purpose of the ecumenical movement in general, and the World Council of Churches' vocation in particular.
Informed by more than eight years of sustained theological reflection by the member churches and the various structures of the Council, the reflection attempted to articulate values and principles that have been and will continue to be at the heart of the ecumenical movement.
It identified ways in which the ecclesial and global context had changed since the founding of the World Council of Churches fifty years ago.
Finally, it set forth a broad agenda for the future life of the Council along with suggestions for ways the Council, with other ecumenical partners, might implement that agenda. In so doing, it took its place alongside other significant documents of the WCC expressing the Council's intense longing for the visible unity of the church and the reconciliation of all things in Christ.
Further information and links
Towards a Common Understanding and Vision of the World Council of Churches: a policy statement
"Together on the way": WCC 8th Assembly plenary discussion on a Common Understanding and Vision of the World Council of Churches