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The Assembly in media

Below is a small selection of articles found in an attempt to gauge the impact in the media of the WCC's 9th Assembly. We have tried to select articles covering various aspects of the event, and a broad range of viewpoints. Since they appeared in independent publications, these articles neither represent nor necessarily reflect the official policy of the World Council of Churches.

[ENS, Source: Lambeth Palace] Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams has sent a greeting to the 9th World Council of Churches Assembly, which formally began on February 14 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. The message was read by Bishop Tom Butler of Southwark, England. Williams will travel to Brazil in time for February 17's group of sessions.


Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right, but the violence surrounding the cartoons depicting the Muslim Prophet Muhammad shows a need for caution when addressing religion, the head of the World Council of Churches said yesterday.


PORTO ALEGRE, Brazil -- The spread of nuclear weapons technology is "an outrage to all humanity" in an unstable world of terrorism networks and increasing violence in the name of religion, the head of the largest alliance of Christian churches said Wednesday.


Pope Benedict XVI has pledged to continue working with the World Council of Churches - the world's biggest church grouping - in promoting Christian unity.


Christians and Muslims should work together to "put out the fire" caused by the controversial publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed, according to Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC).


Thousands gathered at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 9th Assembly to hear an opening prayer calling upon Christians worldwide to fight poverty as an absolute priority.


An international delegation from The Salvation Army is in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for the 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, where it is engaging in numerous ‘ecumenical conversations'.


The spread of nuclear weapons technology is "an outrage to all humanity" in an unstable world of international terrorism networks and increasing violence in the name of religion, the head of the largest alliance of Christian churches said Wednesday.


Porto Alegre, Brazil (ENI). The top official of the World Council of Churches says climate change represents one of humanity's most dire threats and he has appealed to denominations around to world to speak with one voice to alert political leaders to tackle the issue.


The first Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in the 21st century opens in Porto Alegre, Brazil, February 14, under the theme "God, in your grace, transform the world."


Displaying results 61 to 70 out of 83

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