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Spiritual life

At the end of the 9th Assembly, participants prayed, as they had done at the beginning of the ten-day event : "God, in your grace, transform the world". The prayer - that was also the Assembly theme - was echoed by a message from the Assembly which ended : "Transform us in the offering of ourselves so that we may be your partners in transformation

to strive for the full, visible unity of the one Church of Jesus Christ,

to become neighbours to all,

as we await with eager longing the full revelation of your rule

in the coming of a new heaven and a new earth."

WCC 9th Assembly

Strong impact, lasting memories

The Assembly is over and the 691 delegates from the WCC's 348 member churches and other participants are back in their homes around the world. With them, along with papers and multimedia files, returning participants took memories of an intense period of encounter, prayer, and celebration - in morning and evening worship, 90 Bible study groups, and in the 200 workshops and other events making up the Assembly's parallel mutirão. On another level, the in-depth work done by the Assembly on themes and issues, structures and relationships is likely to impact the WCC fellowship and the wider ecumenical movement for a long time to come.

Approving a substantial change in priorities and culture, the World Council of Churches (WCC) 9th Assembly completed its meeting with prayer in Porto Alegre Thursday, and agreed to give priority to spirituality, ecumenical...


The "Message" of the 9th Assembly is an invitation to prayer. In proposing the document for adoption, message committee moderator Wendy Evans explained that the message is neither a report nor an exhaustive listing of concerns,...


Walter Altmann, Gennadios of Sassima and Margaretha Hendriks-Ririmasse are, respectively, the new moderator and vice moderators of the WCC central committee.


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Going out with closing prayers

The World Council of Churches 9th Assembly came to an official end Thursday with closing prayers.


PUC gets a lasting reminder of the Assembly

Former general secretaries of the WCC gathered for a ceremony commemorating the Assembly at its...


Thank you, stewards!

Delegates and others paused Wednesday afternoon to say thank you to the 150-plus young adult...


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