Brazil - the official page of the country (in Portuguese) http://www.brasil.gov.br/
Embratur - official Brazilian tour bureau (English) http://www.brazil.org.uk/
Radiobras - the national press (English) http://internacional.radiobras.gov.br/ingles/index.htm
Rio Grande do Sul - the official state page (in Portuguese) http://www.rs.gov.br/
Secretaria de Turismo RS - the Brazilian Tourist Office (in Portuguese) http://www.turismo.rs.gov.br/
Porto Alegre - the Porto Alegre City Hall (in Portuguese) http://www.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/
Porto Alegre Tourist Office (in Portuguese) http://www.portoalegre.rs.gov.br/turismo/default.htm
The Pontifical Catholic University Events Centre http://www.pucrs.br/orgaos/cepuc/index.htm
Views of Porto Alegre - site with webcams (in English) http://www.wcams.com.br/index_eng.htm
National Council of Churches in Brazil Conselho Nacional de Igrejas Cristas do Brasil http://www.conic.org.br/