Overcoming violence is a very important and relevant issue for the churches, the ecumenical movement, and youth. Young people are especially vulnerable to violence - they can become victims, but also perpetrators, of violence.
The assembly will highlight the spirit and energy around the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV) as well as initiatives around the world to overcome violence. You are invited to bring visual arts, drama, music and other cultural expressions about overcoming violence to the assembly. Mutirão will provide the time and space for you to present them to other participants.
While you should not feel limited in what you plan to share with us, we especially encourage you to focus on the fruits of work related to the DOV focal regions and themes, past, present and future:
2002 - Palestine/Israel: End the illegal occupation of Palestine
2003 - Sudan: Healing and Reconciliation
2004 - USA: The Power and Promise of Peace
2005 - Asia: Building Communities of Peace for All
2006 - Latin America: God, in Your Grace, Transform the World
2007 - Europe
2008 - Pacific
2009 - Africa
Please contact the Mutirão team for details.