Midday rain didn't dampen the enthusiasm of scores of women in purple T-shirts and others who marched on Thursday, 17 Feb., to end violence against women and children in church and society.
A total of 22 ecumenical conversations will take place at the 9th Assembly over a three-day period, beginning 16 Feb. and concluding 18 Feb.
"If the Gospel fails in India, we have no Gospel to preach."
Here a tent, there a tent: You can't go far on the Pontifícia Universidade Católica campus without seeing one.
Mutirao Bible studies invite response to Assembly theme
A variety of Assembly personnel on Tuesday morning used a creative role play to provide an orientation to the way that business sessions will work.
The Acting Together - Transforming Our World booth in the exhibit hall at the Assembly has come up with a creative way to educate people and bring more visitors to its booth at the same time: a daily quiz.
Of course we can change the world!
There's a place for beauty at the Assembly too.
Words of welcome demonstrate God's desire for all cultures to seek and find Jesus.
Displaying results 11 to 20 out of 24