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Mission2005News ? ? ? ? ¡ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? À ? ° ? ? À ? ¡ ¢ ? ? ? ConferenceonWorldMissionandEvangelism,Athens,Greece,May9-16,2005 Mission2005News is issued every morning. Editors Alex Belopopsky and Jyrki Harkonen may be found in the Public Information Team Office (Main building, upstairs), tel +30 697 718 4378. Design: Espresso Studio. Creative director Dimitris Arvanitis. Art director Kyriakos Koutsogiannopoulos. Opinions expressed do not necessarily represent the views of the World Council of Churches or of CWME. TodayinAghiosAndreas Healing Twopaneldiscussionswillintroduceimportantaspectsofhealingministry: in post-modern situations, and mission in a time of HIV/AIDS. Moreinside. BooksonHIV/AIDS available Booksonthethemeofthedayat the Bookshop for the special priceof7ú. Spirituality Therichworshiplifeoftheconference continues with morning prayers, healing services, an outdoor chapel open at most times, pastoralcounselling,spacesforsilence,prayerandmeditation. Synaxeis Thefinalpartoftherichprogrammeofofferingsgetsunderway,with a focus on healing and reconciliation. Further details on back page. Gettingthemessage Participants continue to work on the concluding message from the conferencetobeagreedSaturday. For more info see #4 Friday13May Number oftheDay 42 The number of super ?stewarts? and the answer to everything on the conference. Half of the stewards are Greek. Healinginatime ofHIV/AIDS ilence kills, stigma kills," retired Archbishop Des- mondTutuofSouthAfricare- gramme today, panelists will couraged the church to take centlytoldaninterviewerfrom reportandcomparerespons- bold action in society: "The Christian Aid. "Let us, as a estothechallengeonanum- churchshouldspeakoutfirm- "S Nowandforever "See,myservantwillactwisely;hewillberaisedandlift- church, speak out and speak beroffronts.GraciaVioletRoss lyagainststigmatization.But edupandhighlyexalted.Justasthereweremanywhowere appalledathim?hisappearancewassodisfiguredbeyond thatofanymanandhisformmarredbeyondhumanlikeness ? so will he sprinkle many nations, and kings will shut their mouths because of him. For what they were not told, they will see, and what they have not heard, they will understand." (Isaiah 52:13-15) up.HIV/AIDSisnotGod'spun- Quirogaisanevangelicallend- this must go hand in glove ishmentforsin.Youhavegot ing support to people living with legislation that ensures to say that quite firmly and with HIV/AIDS in Bolivia; An- people living with AIDS are categorically. How can it be thony Allen serves as a psy- not discriminated against in saidthatachildwhohasAIDS chiatristinKingston,Jamaica; theirjobs,forexample.We,the throughmother-to-childtrans- JapiHeath,anAnglicanpriest church,shouldbeattheforemissionisbeingpunishedfor whoishimselfHIV/AIDS-posi- frontofthis.Wefollowamassin? If it is a god who is pun- tive,willdiscusshisexperience ter who has always been on ishing them, then that god is inSouthAfrica. thesideofthosewhoarehavoneIwouldnotworship!" InhisconversationwithChris- ing a hard time. So we have §¤ÂÈÔ??ÚÈÔ?:«??Ô?ÏÔ?ÌÔ??·?ÚÔÎ??ÂÈ,?·ÂÍ????Â?, As part of the plenary pro- tianAid,ArchbishopTutuen- gottobewhereJesusis." ?· ?ÔÍ·ÛÙÂ?, ?ÔÏ? ?ËÏ¿ ?? ·Ó¤?ÂÈ. ¶ÔÏÏÔ? ¤¯Ô?Ó ÂÎ?Ï·ÁÂ?ÁÈ?·?Ù?Ó,ÁÈ·Ù??Ù·ÓÙ?ÛÔ?·Ú·ÌÔÚÊ?̤ÓËË??ËÙÔ? ? ?ȤÊÂÚ ·?? ÙËÓ ??Ë Ù?Ó ·Ó?ÚÒ??Ó. ?ÙÛÈ ?· ÂÎ?Ï·ÁÔ?ÓÁÈ?·?Ù?ӷ̤ÙÚËÙ·¤?ÓË,ηÈ?·ÛÈÏÈ¿?Â?¿Ê?ÓÔÈ?· ÌÂ?ÓÔ?Ó, ÁÈ·Ù? ?· ?Ô?Ó ÂÎÂ?ÓÔ ?Ô? ?ÔÙ¤ ?ÂÓ ÙÔ?? ?ÈËÁ??ËηÓ, ?· Ì¿?Ô?Ó Î¿ÙÈ ?Ô? ?ÂÓ Â?¯·Ó ?? Ù?Ù ·ÎÔ?ÛÂÈ». (?Û·?·? 52: 13-15) Staggeringstatistics The global AIDS crisis staggers our imagination. The scale of human loss undermines the social and economicfabricofentirenations,especiallyinAfrica.Atcurrentrates,100millionpeopleworldwide willbeinfectedby2010.Ofthe14,000personsinfectedeachday,85%liveinthedevelopingworld. Ruth?sReflections Philoxenia More than half way through this conference and though we are on a secluded site, the richness of the Greek context has been clearly evident. We have experienced warm, generous hospitality (philoxenia) from our hosts. The singing at theOrthodoxmorningprayerthat?Christisrisen?,withitsdeepresonances,was very moving. The cultural evening brought us examples of music, song and dance from Greece, full of life, energy and beauty that got us dancing too. Sunday visits to local parishes will give us further opportunity to engage with the Greek context, both the Christian churches and to see more of the city of Athens. The sending service at the Areopagos will bring together the past, as we gather at the place where PaulspoketotheAthenians,withthepresentasweconcludeourtimetogether.Inthelightofallthattheconferenceis,hopefullytoothefutureofourmissionandevangelismwillcarrysomethingofwhatwehavegainedinthis visit in Greece. Rev. Ruth Bottoms, CWME moderator Facesandvoices Profile Opoku Onyinah APentecostal perspective Sweetmeats Coffee and Greek delicacies are served on the front lawn by courtesy of the gentlemen of Samartzis Gastronomie. An outdoor cafeteria, the Greek "Seaside Taverna" offers a large variety of drinks: juices, Greek wines, ouzo, beer, gin, whisky and vodka. Chef Harry Mastorakos tells us that Greek specialities, such as grilled chicken and souvlaki, will also available. Open daily 19.00-24.00. TheRev.DrOpoku Onyinah,rector ofPentecost UniversityCollege inAccra,isa conference advisor.Hehas becomealeading contributortoconsultationsonhealingfrom Spirit.Inthisconference,Iamabletosharemy experienceasaminister,amissionaryandan educator." Hischurchisthesecond-largestinGhana;only theCatholicChurchhasmoremembers.The PentecostalCouncilofGhanaoftencooperates withthemorebroadlyecumenicalChristian CouncilofGhana.TheChurchofPentecost AccratoLondontoSantiago,Chile.Anexecutive belongstobothcouncils. councilmemberoftheChurchofPentecost,he isfamiliarwithhisGhana-basedchurch's missionaryoutreachin54nations.Lastmonth, heconductedtrainingforleadersofhischurch inItaly. "Ihavebeenapastorfor29years,"hesays,"and Ihaveservedasan?apostleofthechurch?-one whoplantscongregations,trainslocal leadershipandsendsoutchurchmembersto prayforhealingandthecomingoftheHoly Also?OnAir?today DrOnyinahhasbeenimpressedbythemission conference."Itbringstogethermanydifferent Christiantraditionsandallowsustocompare views,andthisisdonefairly.IfPentecostalswere incharge,wewouldhavegonealittlefarther. Wewouldcallpeopleforward,andprayfortheir healing.Spiritualhealingisessential,evenwhen apersonisbeyondcure.Butsometimeshealing alsoleadstocuring,andthatisawonderful thing!" Today?s theme, HIV/AIDS, will be introduced in two panels. On the first panel, Bernard Ugeux, a Roman Catholic anthropologist and theologian from France, and Erika Schuchardt, a German member of parliament and expert on counselling,focusondifferentaspectsofthehealingministry.ThesecondpanelwithGraciaVioletRossQuiroga,Anthony Allen and Japi Heath will reflect on the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Ross Quiroga is an evangelical lending support to people livingwithHIV/AIDSinBolivia;AllenservesasapsychiatristinKingston,Jamaica;JapiHeath,anAnglicanpriestwhoishimself HIV/AIDS-positive,willdiscusshisexperienceinSouthAfrica. Differingviews You will have noticed a small group of demonstrators outside the main gates. They represent a breakaway Orthodox church group and they are against the holding of the conference and dialogue among Christians. Their views are not shared by the ALAC host churches. The conference leadership entirely respects their right to hold different views, but also upholds the right of participants to peace and tolerance. 2 Interviews Womaninwhite,meninblack SightsandSounds Porterlaguérisonpar laliturgie Au cours de la conférence, les luthériens furent les premiers à proposer un type de prière qui émaillera la conférence: le service de guérison. Une lente procession marquée de nombreux symboles (eau, linges, croix, pierre, huile) a ainsi conduit, le long de la grève du Centre Hagios Andreas, la quarantaine de participants à une prière de repentance. Point d'orgue de cette prière, la bénédiction au travers d?un signe de croix tracé sur le front des participants avec de l?huile d?olive venue de Palestine. MulticulturalMinistries International Network for Multicultural Ministry (INFORM), is a group of people gathering to share and discuss strategies of doing Multicultural Ministries in various geographical contexts of the global village. INFORM is meeting on Friday at 13.30 in Synaxis Tent 3. SisterAncelle Melezan Martinique IamasisterofMotherTeresaand that?swhyIwearthiswhiterobe. I come from Jordan where we have two communities working among the poorest of the poor. Ifindthisconferenceaveryinterestingopportunitytosharepersonalexperiences. FatherJohnBonub Egypt FatherIsaacBarakat Syria FatherTimoteoLuis AntonioTorres Esquivel Columbia I work with the Coptic Orthodox ChurchwithmissionariesinZambiaandCongo.Ifindmyselfbenefitingfromthisecumenicalconference.Myblackrobeisgoodfor formalities,sermonsandconferences,butnotwhenit?shot!Itis veryrestrainingsoonecan?tmove asonewouldlike. IcomefromtheGreekOrthodox This is my first ecumenical conPatriarchateinDamascus,which ference.IservetheGreekOrthoisoneoftheoldestpatriarchates. doxChurchinCuba.Ifeelthatwe This is my first ecumenical con- need ecumenical dialogue to ferenceandI?velearnedalot.The combine strengths and solve black robe is important because problems. My black robe is not it is part of the tradition and not justclothingbutatestimonytothe uncomfortable. worldofmychoicetoserveGod. WorldNews Haitimurder convictionsquashed Haiti's Supreme Court has overturned the convictions of dozens of military leaders found guilty in 2000 of murder and torture. They were convicted of mass killings during an attack on supporters of former President Aristide in the shanty town of Raboteau in 1994. HistoryofMission Conferences NewDelhi1961 The integration of church and mission became effective in the WCC at the seventh assembly in NewDelhi. The mission councils affiliated to the IMC became affiliated to the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism of the WCC. The Division on World Mission and Evangelism took over the programmatic work and responsibility of the IMC, which ceased to exist. MexicoCity1963 The perspective of mission was enlarged in MexicoCity to encompass all continents, and not only those of the "South". Meeting during the first development decade, the conference dealt intensively with witness in a world where God was active, inviting the churches to join in missio Dei. It was the time of a positive appreciation of secularization and of non-religious formulations of Christian faith and action, in particular in the West. From New Delhi the world mission conferences started to gather larger denominational participation, including Orthodox churches and also Roman Catholic observers. Left: F.C. Fry, U. Barbieri, Jawaharlal Nehru and Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, W.A. Visser ?t Hooft. Mission2005intheinternationalpress RadioVatikan,Rome ( Ökumenische Mega-Konferenz in Griechenland - Eines der weltweit größten Treffen der Christenheit hat in Athen begonnen. Am Rand der Weltmissionskonferenz wurde bekannt, dass der ÖRK-GeneralsekretärSamuelKobiasichMitteJunimitPapstBenediktXVI.treffenwill.DiekatholischeKirchegehört dem Weltkirchenrat nicht an, arbeitet aber eng mit ihm zusammen. www.kyrkanstidning.comSweden Kyrkornasvärldsråds13missionskonferensompågåriAten.Inför700deltagareinvigningstaladeAtens ärkebiskop Christodoulos om aktuella utmaningar i världen. När ekonomiska och politiska beslut presenteras som historiskt oundvikliga måste kyrkan vara på fredens, de fattigas, de marginaliserades och de maktlösas sida, menade Christodoulos. Protestinfo,AgencedePresseProtestanteSwitzerland( 13e Conférence mondiale sur la mission à Athènes: "Le centre de gravité du christianisme se situe aujourd'hui du côté de Tombouctou." InfoonMission 2005Local Organizers TheAnglicanChurch ofGreece The first Anglican representative from the British and Foreign Bible Society arrived in Greece in the early 1830s. In 1843 the foundation stone of Saint Paul?s Anglican church was laid in Athens. Today the Anglican Church in Greece has about ten parishes and communities for ministering to those Christians whose roots are in the English-speaking world. Saturday:TheArmenian OrthodoxChurch Day?sGlossary Forgiveness Jesus taught his followers to pray that they may learn to forgive as they have been forgiven (Luke 11:4). Paul?s concept of reconciliation is also basedinGod?srefusaltocount trespassesagainstthosewho havebeenreconciledthrough thecrossofChrist(2Cor.5:18-20). Spirit In the figures of the Old Testament, the link between word (dabhar) and spirit, breath and wind (ruah) is one of the things which most forcefully heralds Trinitarian theology. 3 Practicaldetails NEW!Travel Last day for confirming air tickets! Please contact the travel office in the main hall. NEW!Departures Departures before May 16 are dealt with individually. Shuttles to the airport will be set up for Monday, May 16. A schedule will be on display in the cafeteria area on Saturday. NEW!Freebook Don?t forget to go and pick up from the Bookshop your copy of Healingas Empowerment?aworkbook to help people discuss issues of healing, offered free to participants. Counselling Six counsellors are ready to listen and share your thoughts, questions and problems. Two of them are present daily from 8.00 to 22.00 upstairs in the main building. Indigenouspeoples? gathering Meeting over dinner today at 19.00 in the Cafeteria. Look for the reserved table. HealingService Today the Coptic Orthodox Church will be responsible for the Healing Service, which will be celebrated in the Open Chapel at 14.30. Lostandfound For lost property please go to the Information desk. Methodistsmeet Methodists will meet for lunch today at 12.30 in the Cafeteria. Please look for the reserved table. NewPublications Erika Schuchardt?s new book "Why Me? ? Learning to Live in Crises" (WCC Publications) can be ordered in the Bookshop. Nordisktmöte Över 20 delegater från Finland, Sverige, Norge och Danmark möts för första gången i Aghios Andreas, fredag kl. 12.30 i cafeterian. Participantslist The participants list is not yet available. Shuttlebuses Buses to and from Mati Hotel to Aghios Andreas and back are available morning and evening. Please check the timetable at the Information desk. A daily shuttle to Nea Makri town leaves daily every hour from 9.00 to 21.00. PressRoom Interview requests and meeting room for the Press Service in the Press Room, ground floor of the main building. Specialneeds Contact Judith Kocher at the Information desk. ChurchvisitsonSunday Sign up for the church visits in Athens on the sheets provided in the cafeteria area. Today?sSynaxeis The Synaxis programme is still going. We are grateful for the contributions thus far and have received a lot of positive feedback from participants. The schedule isalmostfull,howeverthere are a couple of free places left.Ifyouwouldstillliketo offeraSynaxis,pleasedon?t hesitate to contact the Synaxis coordinator, Tara Tautari. Afulllistofallsessionswill be posted on the Synaxeis registration board. We are encouragingparticipantsto checktheregistrationboard regularlytoensurethatthey areup-to-datewiththelatest programmechanges. Anychangestothisshedule willbepostedontheSynaxeisregistrationboard. Weather Friday13May2005 Athens + 22ÆC, cloudy Rio de Janeiro +26ÆC, sunny ª?·Ì¤Ú·?ÚÈÓ... 4


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