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News 6
Datum: 29.01.2006
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Mission 2005News ? ???¡????? ??À ?°??À ?¡¢??? #6 Sunday 15 May Conference on World Mission and Evangelism, Athens, Greece, May 9-16, 2005 T h i s is the last Mission2005 News. Editors Alex Belopopsky ( Jyrki Harkonen ( and designer K y r i a k o s Koutsogiannopoulos ( thank all the readers for the positive feedback. Opinions expressed in Mission2005 News d o not necessarily represent the views of the World Council of Churches. Goodbye Aghios Andreas Check-out All participants should leave A g h i o s Andreas by Monday afternoon at the latest. Keys It is indispensable that particip a n t s leave the key to their room when checking out. Meals Monday?s lunch is the last meal served for participants. Participants list The participants list is now available at the Information desk! Explore the website is the address of the conference home page in five languages where, by clicking on Resources you will find all the ? documents and other resources of the conference, on News - Media the press releases and features, as well as photos, videos and other items which will help you tell the story of the conference when you return home. To the airport Shuttles to the airport will be functioning until Monday evening. G Taxis Airport taxi telephone is 229 40 91 300. Kalo taxidi! Bon Voyage! Number of the Day 39 Number of journalists f r o m around the world a t the conference and r e p o r t i n g daily Now and forever ?The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.? (Num. 6:24-26) ?May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.? (Rom. 15:13) ? ??ÚÈÔ? Ó· Û Â?ÏÔÁÂ? 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The God w h o made the world and I o forth in peace! everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands, nor is he served by hum a n hands, as though he n e e d e d anything, since he himself gives to all mortals life a n d breath and all things." (Acts 17:22-25 NRSV). Yesterday the conference concluded its plenary work reco g n i z i n g that the profound changes affecting the world in the new millennium form an unprecedented challenge to Christian mission and witness, a n d call the churches to repentance and reconciliation. T h e participants agreed to s e n d the great olive-wood cross, offered by the churche s of Jerusalem, to the WCC 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre in 2006. From there it will once again return to Greece and the G r e e k churches as a permanent and visible reminder of this conference. Reconciliation today "Reconfiguration of the ecumenical movement" is the topic being explored these days by churches, councils, alliances and agencies. Who knows what new forms of ecumenism may evolve? In the short term, Samuel Kobia has identified several priorities for the World Council of Churches: to serve as a meeting point for many cultures and churches; to provide resources that strengthen local communities; to expand interfaith dialogue, and especially Christian-Muslim relations; to assist churches in resisting manipulation for political ends; and to remain open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 2 Ruth?s Reflections Thank you hank you, gracias, merci, vielen Dank, eucharisto - little words which need to carry so much weight to convey the appreciation we have to all those who have made this conference possible. Some have been visible, others working hard behind the scenes. Each one a part of the body working to enable the whole, that we might be joined together, a healing and reconciling community in conference. Above all, I want to say thank you to the participants, without whose stories, testimonies, sharing, presentations, hard work, laughter and concerns this conference would not have been what it is. And, as I have said all along, may this not be an end, but a stage in the journey as we take back what we have heard, seen and experienced and go further with it. Our hard working stewards have all committed themselves to engaging in a specific ecumenical project in the light of their programme here. I dream that conference participants will make their own commitment before God to continue in their call to be in mission together and work towards reconciliation and healing in Christ, in God?s world today. Rev. Ruth Bottoms, CWME moderator Faces and voices Sunday 8 May Preparing Stewards prepared Aghios Andreas, ready to welcome more than 650 participants. T Monday 9 May Gathering Due to a great number of arrivals you couldn?t avoid queuing. Profile Bishop Ioannis of Thermopylae Chairman of ALAC Christos Anesti! As Athens2005 reaches its conclusion, Bishop Ioannis of the ancient see of Thermopylae, the jovial chairman of the Athens Local Arrangements Committee, is a busy but satisfied man. "The positive impressions and results of the meeting are printed on the hearts of those who have participated, as we see in their enthusiasm and faces, and we hope that they will take these impressions back to their churches and countries." What impressions would he like the participants to take with them when they leave? "I hope that participants will find their distinct beliefs and thoughts enriched by the encounter, and will better know the thought and spirituality of our (Orthodox) church. And perhaps even a few words of Greek ? Christos Anesti! (Christ is Risen!)." Bishop Ioannis, a former student at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, leads much of his church?s international cooperation. How does he see the future of the ecumenical movement in Greece? "The 14 months of work for this event was the first time that churches from various confessions have worked together so intensively. Despite our problems and differences, I am convinced that we are entering a new era in our ecumenical collaboration, in Greece and worldwide, and that the forthcoming assembly of the WCC in Porto Alegre will open up a new era." Also ?On Air? today The excellent teamwork of the Athens Local Arrangements Committee (ALAC) guaranteed that Mission2005 was a great s u c c e s s . With Bishop Ioannis and the Orthodox Church of Greece, the imput of the other local churches ? the Armenian O r t h o d o x Church, the Armenian Evangelical Church, the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church and the Greek Evangelical Church ? has been a wonderful example for ecumenical cooperation in the 21st century. Tuesday 10 May Journey starts A weeklong journey of sharing experiences began. Wednesday 11 May Healing Healing hand in hand in a broken world. Interviews Youth delegates: Hopes for the future Sights and Sounds Thursday 12 May Building peace Building cultures of peace against violence Michael Dumont Canada At the next WCC Assembly in Porto Alegre the theme will be youth. I think that it is critically important that youth be part of that event. Youth played a minimal role in the work of Athens2005: we were a forgotten demographic. My hope is that at Porto Alegre we will have a 25% youth delegation. Mary Khalaf Syria M y hope for the next Mission conference is that 25% of its participants are young people and that they have more input into the life and activities of the conference. My wish for the future is t h a t we keep on praying and working for the healing and reconcilation of my region so that we can all live in peace. Nadia Kist Kenya As a youth my hope is to see our discussions prayerfully put into action not as a movement but each one as an individual in his or her community. There is one verse that comes to my mind: "Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action." (1 John 3:18 NRSV). Let?s imagine what changes would result. Ioannis Pantelidis Greece We youth have a lot of expectations. We want actions, not just words. The truth is that no one is willing to make radical changes not only for our own sake, but for future generations as well. Ecumenical projects are holistic projects so, let us, all of creation, be united in the One Body of Christ, at the very least in the practical realization of those projects. Friday 13 May Healing Growing together. San Antonio 1989 The conference of San Antonio, Texas, USA can be considered the last in the period dominated by the conflict between two ideological and economic systems (1918-1989). San Antonio became famous for a consensus statement on the relation between Christianity and other religions. San Antonio also dealt with Christian involvement in struggles for life and against oppression, as well as with the increasing importance of our relation with creation. Salvador de Bah?a 1996 The last conference on mission of the 20th century took place in Salvador de Bah?a, Brazil, and was fully dedicated Saturday 14 May Sending Common witness to all nations. History of Mission Conferences to the relation between gospel and cultures. After the change in world politics of 1989 and the increased influence of cultural and ethnic identities on violent conflicts, a renewed missiological reflection on culture was needed. T h e 12th Mission Conference in Salvador de Bah?a insisted on the r i c h n e s s of cultural variety a s God?s gift. Sunday 15 May Celebrating Go forth in peace! Mission2005 in the international press Times Online United Kingdom ( "More often than not, persons with disabilities feel alienated, marginalised, embarrassed and in some cases offended by the treatment meted out to them by the Church," said the Rev Samuel Kabue at a meeting of the World Council of Churches in Athens ORF Religion Austria ( Im Mittelpunkt von mehr als 60 Workshops stehen Fragen wie die Möglichkeit des "Erfahrens von Heilung" in einer Gemeinde oder danach, wie in einer gespaltenen Gesellschaft durch das Wirken christlicher Gemeinden Versöhnung gefördert werden kann. La-Croix France ( "Ce qui est désormais normatif pour exprimer notre foi, ce ne sont plus des formes nées de la culture européenne, a affirmé le pasteur Kobia, méthodiste du Kenya. Aujourd?hui, la mission est portée par des frères et des soeurs ayant reçu des dons de l?Esprit qui n?ont jamais été monopolisés par des intermédiaires européens ou nordaméricains." Greece ( ¶·Ó¯ÚÈÛÙÈ·ÓÈÎ? Û?Ó¤?ÚÈÔ - ??ÓÂÚÁ·Û?· Ù?Ó ¯ÚÈÛÙÈ·ÓÈÎÒÓ ÂÎÎÏËÛÈÒÓ ÁÈ· ÙÔ ÈÂÚ·?ÔÛÙÔÏÈÎ? ¤ÚÁÔ. M?Ó?Ì· ÂÓ?ÙËÙ·? ÁÈ· ÙÔÓ Â?·ÓÂ?·ÁÁÂÏÈÛÌ? ÙÔ? ?ÔÈÌÓ?Ô? ÛÙ¤ÏÓÔ?Ó ÔÈ ¯ÚÈÛÙÈ·ÓÈΤ? ÂÎÎÏËÛ?Â?(...). Day?s Glossary Resurrection The word for Resurrection in Greek, Anastasis (pronounced An¿st·ssis, from the Greek verb an-?stamai = to stand up, to rise) refers mainly to the rising of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. Info on Mission 2005 Local Organizers The Greek Evangelical Church The origins of the Greek Evangelical Church (GEC) can be traced back to the 1850s, when the protestant magazine "Star of the East" was first issued. Today the Greek Evangelical Church consists of 30 congregations and 5000 believers. The GEC is one of the founding members of the WCC. 3 Christ?s Anésti ("Christ is risen!", in Greek) is therefore the wish heard everywhere in Greece these days, the correct answer to it being Alith?s Anésti o Kyrios ("The Lord is risen ? indeed!"), reminding Christians that the otherwise irremediable sense of absence and of pain caused by death is only temporary. W eather Sunday 15 May 2005 Athens + 23ÆC, showers Reykjavik + 9ÆC, sunny ??¯·ÚÈÛÙÒ ?ÔÏ? Thanks to the conference organizers, local organizers, civil and military authorities, participants, interpreters and translators, staff, stewards, Samartzis Gastronomie, et al... Mission Conference in 2010 The 14th World Mission Conference will take place in 2010, a hundred years after the first one in Edinburgh, Scotland. Hoping to see you all then. Yesterday... 4


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