The Decade to Overcome Violence 2001 - 2010: Churches Seeking Reconciliation and Peace (DOV) calls all the worlds people to engage in violence prevention, the pursuit of justice and peacemaking.
Violence is not unavoidable. Peace is possible. Non-violence is our challenge.

News and stories
Will the world be safer from nuclear danger in 2009? Many, including churches, say yes.

Prepare for some good news in 2009. Despite the terrible start in Gaza and other endemic conflicts, governments committed to shared security are set to reach an historic milestone this year. Specifically, the number of countries protected by nuclear-weapon-free zones is set to jump to 110 countries ...
[more]Living Letters team testifies to the deadly violence of poverty in Haiti
In Haiti, "the deadliest form of violence is extreme poverty, and the grimmest insecurity is food insecurity," according to a Living Letters team who visited the Caribbean nation on behalf of the World Council of Churches (WCC) last November.

Rome, Italy
The fourth Global Baptist Peace Conference will bring together Baptists who are active in nonviolent struggles for justice and for strengthening the witness of Baptist peacemaking in various global contexts.
The International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) will be the Harvest Festival of the Decade to Overcome Violence and at the same time a planting season for fresh initiatives. [Read more]
IEPC Newsletter "Bits and Peaces":
Living Letters - Ecumenical team visits:
- Colombia (6 - 12 December 2008)
- Haiti (24 - 28 November 2008)
- Pakistan (24 November - 1 December 2008)
Living Letters are small ecumenical teams visiting a country to listen, learn, share approaches and challenges in overcoming violence and to pray together for peace in the community and in the world. These visits are organized in the run up to the 2011 International Ecumenical Peace Convocation.